MyCONNECTedWeek 2023
To the people, businesses and communities we serve:
Greetings, my name is Julie Maleski. I’m so fortunate to have served as the Vice President of Human Resources for Comcast’s Greater Chicago Region (Illinois, Northern Indiana and Southwest Michigan) for the last four years and to have worked at the company for the last 16.
I was reminded once again recently about what’s made all my years at Comcast so special: It’s the people I’ve met along the way. We held what we call “myCONNECTed Week” (MCW) here in the region last week. During MCW, our leadership – directors and vice presidents – fan out in the field and spend a day on the front lines.
We go with our technicians to install new service. We go to our Xfinity Stores and see first-hand how our retail employees help and support our customers. We join our construction teams to learn how they upgrade and expand our network so we can make our services even smarter, faster and more reliable. And those are just a few examples.
The pictures above are from MCW. They tell a story about camaraderie, respect, kindness, humility, decency and plain old hard work. I am so humbled and honored to be part of this awesome team of nearly 5,000 Comcasters, which provides Internet, mobile and other vital services to more than 3 million customers spanning more than 550 communities across the region.