Digital Equity Program Launches in Rockford

Boys & Girls Club of Rockford to announce launch of digital equity program

April 13, 2023 – Selected through a competitive grant process, Boys & Girls Club of Rockford launched a digital program at their Fairgrounds location aimed to create access, equity, and career readiness in the field of technology.  Funded through a $75,000 Comcast  in partnership with Boys & Girls Club of America, the program offers Club youth the chance to develop skills in the rapidly growing technology industry.

“The launch of this program will allow us to broaden our offerings to include one of the fastest growing industries in the world,” said Chip Stoner, Boys & Girls Club of Rockford president & CEO.

In addition to a dedicated digital space, this innovative program uses a train-the-trainer model provided by Cxmmunity whose mission is to increase the participation of minorities within the esports and video game industry to ensure equal opportunity as new jobs and professions are created.

“We look forward to providing training and expertise to the staff of Boys & Girls Club in changing the face of digital equity and access in the Rockford region,” shared Julian Fitzgerald, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Cxmmunity. “83% of diverse youth play games on a weekly basis, while only 4% work in the gaming industry.”

Additionally, the grant provides access to Esports Foundry an organizational accelerator that supercharges programs with their centralized marketplace which includes equipment, 3D renderings, and industry expertise. The new digital space includes 6 gaming PCs, a console gaming area complete with three Xbox’s and Nintendo Switches, and 12 academic desktop units.

“Creating a dedicated space for technology increases the interest and success of the programs themselves while increasing the excitement of the members exponentially,” said Anthony Scala, CEO of Esports Foundry.

Founded in 1908, the Boys & Girls Club of Rockford is a leading afterschool provider in our community offering safe spaces and innovative programs designed to empower youth to excel in school, become good citizens and lead healthy, productive lives.

“Appealing to a wide range of youth interests boosts our efforts to serve more of our regions’ youth and retain them through their teen years,” said Stoner. “We’re thrilled to be able to bring this program to the community and the youth we serve.”

About the Boys & Girls Club of Rockford

The Boys & Girls Club of Rockford is a leading nonprofit in our region committed to improving the quality of life for youth in our community, regardless of sex, race or economic background.

The Boys & Girls Club of Rockford serves over 3500 youth at 5 club locations and 3 school sites throughout the region. To learn more about the Boys & Girls Club of Rockford, visit or find us on Facebook at

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